As of March 31 2010, the Panasonic Corporation is one of the largest electronics manufacturers in the world, with more than 680 international companies making and marketing a wide range of life-enriching products under the Panasonic brand. These companies are divided into 14 ‘domains’, such as digital AV, home appliances, industrial and commercial products and electronic consumer products. Each domain has its own Research and Development, production and sales divisions.
Panasonic lives its ideal of contributing to society as a commercial organisation through sound corporate governance. The company continually reviews its economic, social and environmental activities from a global and local perspective, ensuring that everything it does enhances Panasonic’s accountability and improves its corporate and social values.
With so many countries, companies and domain operations, Panasonic needed one central communications hub for its corporate global communications. The Panasonic Centre serves this need, acting as a vehicle for worldwide communications, receiving feedback and requests directly from customers and presenting the company’s idea l of “co-existence with the global environment” through its products and services.