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Flash Memory & USB
Memory Modules
Memory Modules
Apacer Technilogies Australia Company Profile
Apacer Technology Inc. (Apacer) is a global leader in memory module & digital storage for both hardware and software research and development. Since the company's inception, Apacer's focus on recording, reproducing and retaining digital data of all kinds is the driving force in providing customers with the best memory products and services -Apacer understands the importance of data and how customers use information. Through customer feedback and strong market research, Apacer's young, creative & energetic team culture creates products that are innovative in design, engineered for high reliability using state-of-the-art technology, and match customer needs. Apacer brand value promises customers they can "Access the best" in products and services of digital storage and memory modules - Apacer gives customers access to a global memory module manufacturer and supply chain whose products have been independently tested as some of the best on the market regarding performance, reliability and value - Apacer offers the most innovative flash memory products utilised by today's music, video, phone, and gaming devices - Apacer provides the newest and most exciting digital mobile entertainment devices that play, record, share and store the digital content that is now part of everyday life.SUS, a technology-oriented company blessed with one of the world's top R-D teams, is well known for high-quality & innovative technology - As a leading provider of 3C (computers, communications and consumer electronics) total solutions,
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